基于adb命令获取app 内存 FPS CPU 占用信息
Jun 4, 2021
Jun 23, 2023
Jun 23, 2023
adb shell am [command]
am =>是activity manager的缩写,它可以启动activity,启动service,发送广播等 pm =>就是package manager的缩写.
adb -s BH909NJ676 shell am broadcast
adb 获取内存占用
adb shell dumpsys meminfo -h
meminfo dump options: [-a] [-d] [-c] [-s] [--oom] [process]
-a: include all available information for each process.
-d: include dalvik details.
-c: dump in a compact machine-parseable representation.
-s: dump only summary of application memory usage.
-S: dump also SwapPss.
--oom: only show processes organized by oom adj.
--local: only collect details locally, don't call process.
--package: interpret process arg as package, dumping all
processes that have loaded that package.
--checkin: dump data for a checkin
If [process] is specified it can be the name or
pid of a specific process to dump.
adb shell dumpsys meminfo com.ss.android.article.news
** MEMINFO in pid 2739 [com.ss.android.article.news] **
Pss Private Private SwapPss Heap Heap Heap
Total Dirty Clean Dirty Size Alloc Free
------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
Native Heap 103914 103688 208 0 137600 122887 14712
Dalvik Heap 66361 66296 4 0 62481 46097 16384
Dalvik Other 12955 12952 0 4
Stack 4588 4588 0 340
Ashmem 2122 1972 0 0
Gfx dev 31428 31428 0 0
Other dev 67 0 64 0
.so mmap 42000 2020 36664 794
.jar mmap 0 0 0 0
.apk mmap 539 0 148 0
.ttf mmap 3518 0 3448 0
.dex mmap 37660 0 32160 12
.oat mmap 7115 0 1332 0
.art mmap 2823 1944 180 34
Other mmap 5147 4 4416 0
EGL mtrack 24660 24660 0 0
GL mtrack 55616 55616 0 0
Unknown 24594 24568 24 266
TOTAL 426557 329736 78648 1450 200081 168984 31096
adb 获取cpu占用
adb shell dumpsys cpuinfo
如果获取对应某个app 包名占用需要用到
adb shell top -m 10 -n 1 -s cpu
User 6%, System 27%, IOW 0%, IRQ 0%
User 2 + Nice 0 + Sys 9 + Idle 22 + IOW 0 + IRQ 0 + SIRQ 0 = 33
24678 shell 20 0 24% R 1 9248K 2036K fg top
2739 u0_a1336 20 0 6% S 226 2249068K 380092K fg com.ss.android.article.news
3 root 20 0 0% S 1 0K 0K fg ksoftirqd/0
6 root 20 0 0% S 1 0K 0K fg kworker/u8:0
7 root 20 0 0% S 1 0K 0K fg rcu_preempt
8 root 20 0 0% S 1 0K 0K fg rcu_sched
9 root 20 0 0% S 1 0K 0K fg rcu_bh
10 root RT 0 0% S 1 0K 0K fg migration/0
11 root RT 0 0% S 1 0K 0K fg migration/1
12 root 20 0 0% S 1 0K 0K fg ksoftirqd/1
其中 今日头条app 占用率6%
adb 获取应用fps
adb shell dumpsys gfxinfo <packageName>
Stats since: 4441052231898ns
Total frames rendered: 865
Janky frames: 234 (27.05%)
50th percentile: 9ms
90th percentile: 40ms
95th percentile: 97ms
99th percentile: 650ms
Number Missed Vsync: 86
Number High input latency: 6
Number Slow UI thread: 159
Number Slow bitmap uploads: 13
Number Slow issue draw commands: 92
HISTOGRAM: 5ms=127 6ms=88 7ms=96 8ms=72 9ms=73 10ms=45 11ms=34 12ms=20 13ms=21 14ms=22 15ms=20 16ms=23 17ms=19 18ms=19 19ms=16 20ms=13 21ms=5 22ms=8 23ms=9 24ms=5 25ms=6 26ms=4 27ms=2 28ms=6 29ms=3 30ms=3 31ms=3 32ms=3 34ms=2 36ms=6 38ms=3 40ms=3 42ms=4 44ms=3 46ms=1 48ms=6 53ms=4 57ms=4 61ms=2 65ms=2 69ms=1 73ms=1 77ms=4 81ms=5 85ms=1 89ms=2 93ms=1 97ms=4 101ms=4 105ms=1 109ms=1 113ms=3 117ms=3 121ms=0 125ms=2 129ms=3 133ms=2 150ms=5 200ms=1 250ms=4 300ms=1 350ms=2 400ms=0 450ms=0 500ms=0 550ms=0 600ms=0 650ms=1 700ms=0 750ms=0 800ms=1 850ms=1 900ms=2 950ms=0 1000ms=0 1050ms=0 1100ms=3 1150ms=0 1200ms=0 1250ms=0 1300ms=0 1350ms=0 1400ms=0 1450ms=1 1500ms=0 1550ms=0 1600ms=0 1650ms=0 1700ms=0 1750ms=0 1800ms=0 1850ms=0 1900ms=0 1950ms=0 2000ms=0 2050ms=0 2100ms=0 2150ms=0 2200ms=0 2250ms=0 2300ms=0 2350ms=0 2400ms=0 2450ms=0 2500ms=0 2550ms=0 2600ms=0 2650ms=0 2700ms=0 2750ms=0 2800ms=0 2850ms=0 2900ms=0 2950ms=0 3000ms=0 3050ms=0 3100ms=0 3150ms=0 3200ms=0 3250ms=0 3300ms=0 3350ms=0 3400ms=0 3450ms=0 3500ms=0 3550ms=0 3600ms=0 3650ms=0 3700ms=0 3750ms=0 3800ms=0 3850ms=0 3900ms=0 3950ms=0 4000ms=0 4050ms=0 4100ms=0 4150ms=0 4200ms=0 4250ms=0 4300ms=0 4350ms=0 4400ms=0 4450ms=0 4500ms=0 4550ms=0 4600ms=0 4650ms=0 4700ms=0 4750ms=0 4800ms=0 4850ms=0 4900ms=0 4950ms=0
- 内存 adb shell dumpsys meminfo
- CPU adb shell dumpsys cpuinfo
- 帧率 adb shell dumpsys gfxinfo
- 显示 adb shell dumpsys display
- 电源 adb shell dumpsys power
- 电池状态 adb shell dumpsys batterystats
- 电池 adb shell dumpsys battery
- 闹钟 adb shell dumpsys alarm
- 位置 adb shell dumpsys location